Tuesday, 19 August 2014


I always wonder about other people, when they do or say certain things, good or bad, I wonder why they did or said it. 
When someone's really nice, selfless or polite I wonder what led to them being that way, similarly when someone's nasty, hateful or rude I wonder why.

The truth is we've all got a background story that few if any people know about. Often there's underlying reasons for a person being the way they are and it's human nature to psychoanalyse eachother and to try and understand, so I guess my musings are normal?

Some people I can read straight away and see that they're being moody because they're highly strung and easily stressed out, or they're always down because they lack self confidence, they're not engaging because they're shy and socially anxious etc... But a couple of things I just can't abide and I can't get my head around so easily. 
Things like jealousy and bullying, hating and faking, I don't really know the answers as to why people are like this, I have my own opinion and I'd like to share it to see if anyone else thinks differently and can help me to understand more.

Jealousy is being envious of something someone else has. Hello are we back in primary school and our best friend has better colouring pencils than us? Well no, not quite but you see my point. 
I think the trouble with jealousy is whereas some of us resign ourselves to the fact that material things aren't the be all and and all of life and the we will survive even if we can't afford them gorgeous shoes, some people never get to that stage of thinking. They want. If they can't have they hate!
I think it takes a more sinister turn again when it's not a material object that they are jealous of; 
If someone is jealous or your relationship, your family, your lifestyle, your popularity etc... That's something that's impossible for them to replicate and that's when it turns nasty. That's where I've discovered that jealous people are people I really don't want in my life! 

The other day something happened to me where I literally experienced someone get so jealous of me having a laugh and smiling that they made it their personal mission to stop me! I'm not over reacting or anything I watched as this person calculated a way to interrupt my fun! Then I watched them walk away feeling happy with themselves for doing it!

There's not a person in this world that I would want to do that to! Obviously there are people I dislike, people that have hurt me and people that I don't get along with but none if that would make me want to literally wipe the smile off their face! Maybe I'm just a lover not a hater but I cannot understand it at all! 

Are you the jealous type? Can you really hate someone because they've got something you want? Do you have any good ways or dealing with jealous friends? Do you understand what makes these people tick? 

Random blog post I know but it's something I can't get my head around! 

Much love,
Helen xx

1 comment:

  1. Helen, this was an amazing blog post! You are a very talented writer and very insightful!
    I to cannot understand why people are like this. I personally believe that those who want to bring others down for being happy! I learnt over time that happiness has to start with you, no one can just magically make you happy. I think f everyone out there realised that happiness doesn't come from putting others down, it comes from within, this world would be a great place!
