Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Lessons I've learned in life

Sometimes I look back at my life and think 'if only i knew then what I know now' or I wish I could talk to my younger self and tell her things, so that's where the inspiration for this blog post came from. Hopefully you can learn from some of my lessons and hopefully you can leave me some new lessons to learn! These span from love to crushes to lifestyle to money, hopefully at least some of them apply to everyone!

1. If you're not his princess, he's not the prince you've been looking for.

2. If you can't afford it, you can't have it. Debt isn't a good idea. Ever. 

3. Sometimes the chase is more fun than the getting.

4. Worrying doesn't change anything, some things are just beyond your control.

5. Sometimes you have to be selfish and put yourself first, no matter how wrong that seems.

6. Something that's the end of the world to you today will quite likely be insignificant to you in a few years.

7. It's worth taking that chance. Always.

8. You are good enough, you just have to believe it.

9. Crying isn't a sign of weakness, it's a sign of strength.

10. Fear is good, it's what keeps us on our toes and tests us.

11. Skinny doesn't mean beautiful and chubby doesn't mean ugly. Embrace what you've got and learn to love it.

12. You probably won't marry your favourite boyband member (but you will marry someone equally as amazing)

13. Thirteen is unlucky. Avoid it!

14. Pets are always a good idea. Get one you'll see! 

15. You're a lot lot lot lot lot stronger than you think.

16. Boys will only hurt you as much as you'll let them. 

17. Bullies aren't just around when you're at school, there's bullies in every walk of life, so learn to deal with them and never be bullied again.

18. Ask him out. Stop being such a whimp!

19. Misbehave, it's much more fun than sticking to the rules.

20. Follow your dream, if you don't try you'll never know.

21. It's ok to change your mind. Several times. About anything and everything. 

22. If you don't make mistakes you're not living life right.

23. Respect yourself and others will respect you.

24. Confidence will come, in time.

25. There's always someone thinner, prettier and richer but they're not YOU! You are you, and you are the best you that there is! 

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