Tuesday, 30 December 2014

What's my blog about?

What's this blog all about? 

Well hello there! It's come to my attention that many of you may not be aware I do actually have a blog! Yep, that's right, I don't just vlog in youtube! I have a written blog too! This is it and I adore it! Please take some time to have a little browse around through some of my previous posts! 

To be honest, my blog doesn't have one certain 'subject matter' I just see it as a place of positivity, feel good and uplifting content! I can talk about anything and everything on here, from beauty to fashion, books, tv and movies, friendships & relationships, dreams and goals....

My only aim on here is to make a difference! Maybe that difference will be to give a woman who's feeling low because she hates the dark circles under her eyes the skills and right products to cover them, or maybe it will be giving someone the confidence to chase their dreams! Maybe it will be a bit of reassurance for someone who feels a bit lost, or maybe it will be a bit of good old big sisterly advice on boys! (Or male friendly advice on those un fathomable creatures they call women?) 

I just aim to write things that make a difference to people! And as long as I achieve that, I'm happy :) 

So...what subjects would you like to see me write and talk about? Because I'm going to be blogging a LOT more in 2015! 

Love Helen xx

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Vlogmas - my experience!

As many of you will already know I took part in Vlogmas on my youtube channel! And it was incredible! 

What is Vlogmas?
Vlogmas is an event on youtube where users vlog (video blog) every single day throughout December. So basically you upload a video every single day documenting your life in the run up to Christmas! 

I sat and watched in awe last year as pretty much all of my favourite youtubers did vlogmas and this year there was absolutely no question for me, I HAD TO take part! 

I started my youtube channel in April 2013 so18 months later I felt I had  enough experience to make a decent go at this! On the 1st December, I went for it! The response was wonderful and not only did I get a tonne of support from my ever loyal youtube subscribers and friends like Stevo, Amy & Suz, I also made a lot of new friends who were also doing Vlogmas! 

There became a group of us who all watched each others videos and supported eachother through it and I'm really glad I met those guys through Vlogmas! People like Stephen H Vlog Tv, Louise Usher and Sue Pezella who i now consider not just fellow youtubers but friends! 

I decided to make my Vlogmas even more special by bringing in a thing I called 'Good Deed December' where I challenged myself to do 1 selfless act or good deed every single day for the entire month! That in itself was a good idea as it gave me something to focus on and talk about on the days where there wasn't so much going on in my life! 

As for content, I made a wide variety of videos, from general day in the life vlogs to shopping trips to Christmas decorations, hair and beauty videos and even baking! I adored every single moment of it and it was really nice to make videos in such a wide variety of genres! It brought in lots of new subscribers too! 

What I will say though, is that I have a new found respect for regular daily vloggers! I watch people who vlog every single day, 365 days per year, and I have to admit I really admire them because it is SO time consuming and very hard work! Sometimes I was only getting in from work at 11pm, then having to sit and edit and upload a vlog, getting to bed at 3am! sometimes there's nothing to talk about and sometimes you're really busy and find yourself unable to find time to film any footage and at the end of the day you've nothing to upload! Hats off to the daily vlogging community! You guys are hardcore! I barely made it through 25 days! 

My final Vlogmas video was of course a vlog of my Christmas Day! My viewers got to come along as I went visiting family and friends and of course ending with me showing all of the gifts I received! 
Even more special, I got a clip of my niece and nephew who are aged 4 and 6 as we showed them the 'evidence' that Santa had been! Their reactions were priceless! What an absolute treasure of a video to keep for the future! 

Verdict on Vlogmas? It's the best experience I've had on youtube so far! 

You can subscribe to my youtube channel here and watch my Vlogmas videos!  Www.youtube.com/beautyandhelen 

Monday, 24 November 2014

VLOGMAS plans!


We are now only a week away from December and every YouTubers favourite time of year! Vlogmas! 

For those of you unfamiliar with Vlogmas, basically we vlog (video blog) every day from 1st December to Christmas Day! It's a truly fantastic way of documenting this amazing time of year but also sharing it with others! 

So... Here are my plans for my Vlogmas videos so far....

1. Each video will start with a specially designed Vlogmas intro - complete with seasonal music! This will make it feel more like a series and my viewers will come to expect this daily! 

2. Each video will then have me crossing of the date on my 'countdown to Christmas' board or me opening a door on my advent calendar! 

3. Video content will vary a lot, from simple daily life update vlogs to beauty tutorials, hauls, gift wrapping, festive baking, TAG videos, festive challenges, collaborations, parties I attend and more! 

4. To add an extra bit of meaning and significance to my Vlogmas I have challenged myself to do ONE selfless, good deed every single day and write each on a post it note and stick it on my specially made good deed board on my wall! Each deed will spread some goodwill and be fulfilling for me, hopefully helping my to experience the true meaning of Christmas by bringing joy and happiness to others and thinking less about myself and my needs! They may not be huge groundbreaking things but even if I just make someone smile or help someone in some way each day I'll be happy! It's sometimes the little things that mean the most!

5. I WILL vlog every day! I can't promise they will all be long or brilliantly edited masterpieces as I have to work long hours over the Christmas period but I WILL complete this challenge and upload a video every single day! 

Any suggestions of things you'd like to see me film and vlog would be hugely appreciated! 

Here's to a happy and fulfilling Vlogmas! 

Love Helen 

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Boxcit: The new MUST have box!

The 'boxed' goods trade is roaring at the moment, with things like Graze, Glossybox and Birchbox all hugely popular! 

I'm pleased to announce that there is a newcomer that is so fabulous and unique it's going to blow your mind! I'm very proud to be bringing this product to you first and I believe it's going to go global! Remember, you heard it here first! 

So, What is it?

Boxcit is a city in a box! Or in other words a box filled with iconic things from a specific city! Yup! Genius! 
This product is in it's very first edition, featuring the creators home city of Liverpool! Then it's going to take you on a tour of Britain and maybe (hopefully) even further afield! 

How does it work? 
It's very simple! You go to www.boxcit.com and select FIVE of the items you'd like to recieve from the list! Boxcit then package it all up for you and deliver it with FREE delivery! You can buy this for yourself or send it to a friend or family member as a gift! So cool! 

The beauty of this is that YOU choose your items! It's not like the beauty box subscriptions where they just send you surprises and then you get the bitter disappointment when there's nothing good in there!(glossybox flashbacks!) You've picked it yourself and believe me you'll be spoilt for choice from the wide variety of options! There really is something for everyone! Also this is NOT a subscription service, you buy the ones you want, you can buy a one off or you can order every month so you are not tied into anything! It's simply pick & pay! 

I got a boxcit to review so let's go!

The lovely guys at boxcit sent me out a sample box for review - I was honestly blown away by it and it's contents! It's much, much bigger in size than a Glossybox or Birchbox and it's white with Boxcit branding on it and a purple bow.

Upon opening I found this abundance of goodies! 

So, what was in the box? 

1. A technic Eyebrow palette! Perfect for creating the famous 'Scouse Brow'

2. A 'learn Yourself Scouse' phrase book perfect for any visitor to Liverpool who will undoubtedly struggle with the local accent and slang! It's an hilarious read! 

3. A 'superlambannana' keyring! Yep! You read it right that was not some weird typo that's an actual thing in Liverpool! The superlambanannas are famous sculptures of lamb-banana hybrids! Theyre scattered around the city, each brightly painted and fabulously weird! They're unique...I'll say no more! 

4. Liverpool football club official sweets. Fizzy cola bottles! Yumm! (Don't worry there IS an Everton mint alternative for those of you who are blues!) 

5. A brown box containing tickets for TWO for a guided sightseeing tour of Liverpools famous & historic landmarks! Believe me that's worth the cost of the £19.99 box alone!

6. A pouch of Scouse. Scouse, for those of you who aren't from Liverpool is a stew made of beef, potatoes, carrots and onions! It's delicious and it's Liverpools very own dish! 

7. A purple wheelie bin storage caddy. 'Yes I've wheelie bin to Liverpool' is the genius slogan printed on the front! 
The purple wheelie bin is something that every single home in Liverpool has! The purple colour was chosen because Blue and Red mixed together makes purple and Liverpool play in Red and Everton play in Blue! Cleverly neutral to both sets of football fans! Liverpool council are clearly legends! 

8. Bitter: food, drink, travel & lifestyle magazine. A brilliant magazine filled with local knowledge! 


Boxcit is excellent! It would be a perfect gift for anyone who wants to give something to that person who has everything! Also for those who live away from home and want a slice of what they miss most! Ex patriots and servicemen and women who are away with the military, students at university and even people who are still in their city but want some local treats! 
I'd send this as a gift to friends I have overseas to enable me to show them some of the things we have where I live! The list goes on! 

I just can't wait to see what's in the next city's box (Manchester) and then the ones that follow that! 

Five stars from me! *****

Sunday, 9 November 2014

My dreams revealed!

I'm never very vocal about what I want out of life, what my aims, ambitions, goals and dreams are but I do have them! 

I guess I'm not alone in being quite shy about my dreams, almost embarrassed by them! Of couse some of them are completely unrealistic, they are dreams after all! 

I've decided to share my aims, goals, dreams and ambitions in this blog post so that you can hear all about them! 
Maybe you'll laugh, maybe you'll agree they're things you'd like too and maybe, just maybe it will inspire you to write a list of your own dreams too! 

Work / job

My dream career is definitely in media / journalism. I'd love to become successful enough on Youtube that it could be my full time job. A full time vlogger where I am my own boss! Alternatively an independant blogger with my own successful blog like this one! 

If that doesn't work out for me I'd love to be columnist in a women's magazine. A newspaper reporter or a tv presenter. I've actually always fancied being a QVC presenter! I think I'd actually be really good at that! 


I have always wanted children and I always thought I'd have them when I was quite young! so far I haven't had any (I'm 31 and married) I think at the moment my priorities are elsewhere and having a baby isn't top of my to do list right now, so it's safe to say it's still on my to do list but it's not at the forefront just yet! I feel like I'm just finding my stride in life and I'm not ready to take a pause! I always though I'd like 2 children but honestly I'd feel really blessed and lucky to get just one! 


If I was very successful and could have a palacial mansion with 4 car garage and tennis courts I wouldn't say no but honestly if my standard of living never improves from the one I have now I won't complain because I already have a lot more that I ever thought I would and a lot of people in poorer countries could ever dream of having! 


Given that I'm already married I just hope that I will always feel loved and wanted. Cared for an happy. I hope I will always make my husband feel the same! The fairytale wedding and the whirlwind romance are long gone now, so I'm just grateful I had them and I cherish the memories! 

Changing the world

I'd love to think that I can make a difference to people, even if it's only a small difference like getting people to be more confident or to motivate people to achieve their dreams! I'd love to this through my youtube and blogging! 

If I won the lottery

My dream if I ever won the lottery is this:
I'd buy a farm, build a huge lovely country home and set up an animal shelter and take in any unwanted animals that were in need of a home. I'd then care for, rehabilitate and rehome them where possible, but if for whatever reason they couldn't be rehomed they'd have a home for life at the shelter! No animal would ever get put down for simply being homeless! I'd cover their vets bills etc... And employ a team to look after them hence creating jobs! (plus get stuck in myself so I'd never get bored) 
I'd take any animals, cats, dogs, rabbits and Guinnea pigs, horses & ponys, birds, farm animals & even more unusual animals like bats, hedgehogs and birds of prey! It would be like a petting zoo! That would make me SO happy and keep me down to earth and busy! I know Stephen would love this too as we've talked about it many times! It's 100% happening if our numbers ever come up! Forget retiring to a paradise island...I'd use my money to make a difference and continue living in good old England! 


I want to write seriously and get a piece of my work published! Just an article or a column! I'd be so proud! 

One day I'd like to write and publish my own book! 


Two places I HAVE to go to are Paris and Rome


I would like to be famous! Maybe not one direction famous where you can't leave your house for fear of being mobbed, but I'd like to be well known, respected and admired! 

Silly dreams
1. Owning a pair of Manolo Blahniks
2. Going on a private yacht to Monaco
3. A date with Liam from one direction
4. Hitting 1 million youtube subscribers
5. Winning an award for writing a book
6. Collaborating with Danisnotonfire
7. Walking a Hollywood red carpet
8. Going to a movie premiere
9. Appearing on tv as a special guest
10....... Saving space for future dreams....

Monday, 3 November 2014

The 10 best things about being British

As a native Brit it's easy to overlook the fantastic things that make our country truly special and intruiging to foreigners! What makes people want to visit our humble homeland? And what don't we appreciate that's actually really cool? 

Here are my Top 10 favourite things about Britain / British people! 

1. History. 
Not to sound like a history geek but our country is rich in history, particularly architecture that you can still see and touch to this day! From Roman forts dating back almost 2000 years like Chester with it's Roman walls and amphitheatre, to spectacular medieval castles dating back almost 1000 years, Stonehenge and it's mystery, not to mention prehistoric and Jurassic sites! our country is second to none when it comes to sightseeing!

2. The Monarchy (The Royal Family)
As a country ruled by a queen we are one of few monarchy's left in the world. Having a royal family gives us a real identity on the world stage, everybody knows who our queen is! 
The monarchy capture the imagination of the world, real life princes and princesses like something straight out of a fairytale and when there's a royal wedding or the birth of a new prince or princess, the pomp and ceremony is very theatrical and enchanting! 

3. Tea. 
Drinking tea is a british institution, there's always time for a cup of tea and there's not a problem in this world a cup of tea can't solve! 

4. Keep calm and carry on.
The british moto. More than an attitude, this is a way of life. Hysteria is not for us! We'd rather pull out our stuff upper lip and carry on regardless! After all, it's not like panicking is going to change anything! 

5. Accent.
The british accent is viewed as 'proper' and 'posh' even though as Brits we know there are hundreds of different dialects and accents within our accent itself! Foreigners can't get enough of a good old British accent though! 

6. Were actually 4 country's! 
England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are the 4 country's that make up Britain, yet nobody can get their head around that! How can you be a country that is 4 country's? We just can. Ok? 

7. The Great British £ 
We kept our own currency despite being a part of the European Union! Whilst they all united in one European currency (The Euro) we stuck with our traditional Pounds Sterling complete with Queens Head! The tourists love it! 

8. The countryside
We boast some of the most beautiful countryside locations such as the Lake District and Loch Ness! Summer in the beautiful green british countryside is stunning. Simply stunning. 

9. Fish & Chips
The most fantastic food ever! Especially at the seaside! 

10. Our Weather.
Yes, ok... We like to complain about it a lot, but the fact that we have four distinct seasons, spring where the daffodils bloom, summer where it's warm but not too hot, autumn when the leaves fall and winter where it gets bitterly cold, icy and snowy is actually a really good thing!
Some country's never see much change and just imagine a warm hot Christmas? It just wouldn't be right! Snow is the only way!

I hope you enjoyed hearing my top 10 things about Britain and being British! What are your opinions? Do you like these things? Is there anything I missed? 

Let me know your thoughts in the comments! 

Hot and Not List October

Another month has passed so it's time for me to share with you another months worth of favourites and flops! 

Hot list

1. Winter clothes shopping! 
I finally got around to getting my winter wardrobe together, and it was well worth the wait! You can view my haul in full on my youtube channel! 

2. MAC lipsticks
Ok, £15.50 is a lot of money for a lipstick but mac lipsticks are the best and are worthy of their high price tag! My newest addition to my collection is a matte one in  the shade nouvelle vogue (a mid pink shade) and it is fabulous! The Matt formula makes it super long wearing too! 

3. Sober October. As somebody who choses not to drink alcohol, it's always nice when other people give it up for a month and keep me company in the land of sober! Plus I'm sure it does people good to give their livers a rest! 

4. Christmas things appearing in shops! Yayyy the excitement when you see them! I've made SIX Christmas decor purchased already! Plus some Christmas lush products too! Also all of the coca cola bottles are now Christmas and Santa themed! Hurrahhhh! 

5. Clocks going back. 
I know a lot of people hate this because it means it goes dark at 4pm but honestly what's more cosy than coming home from work, lighting your candles in the darkened room and snuggling up in your onesie! Plus it gave us an extra hour in bed too! 

6. Yankee Candles. 
My current favourites are actually from the simply home range and they are Merry Berry & Holiday Magic. Perfect winter scents to uplift your spirit and make you feel all warm and cosy! 

7. Lip balm.
This weather has been beating my lips (plus I think my new mac matte lipstick is pretty drying too) so I've been using my EOS in Strawberry Sorbet loads and also a cherry Chapstick at work which tastes too good! 

8. Subscribers & meeting you guys!
I was lucky enough to meet one of my subscribers in real life this month and it was amazing! She spotted me and came over to introduce herself and chat! It was honestly so heartwarming and amazing! I feel very blessed to have such amazing subscribers as you guys and if you're reading thes Louise, hi! And thankyou! 

9. The Apprentice! 
One of my favourite TV shows that I watch religiously every year! From Alan Sugars hilarious puns to the idiotic candidates it always makes for an amusing series! 

10. My birthday! 
It was my birthday on the 19th and not only did I get tonnes of wonderful cards and gifts, money & chocolates but I also got a tonne of messages from youtube subscribers which meant the world to me! Stevo from Australia even made me a happy birthday video! Bonkers!! 


1. Viruses. 
In the space of two weeks I caught a stomach bug and then a cold! So. Not. Cool! 

2. Leaking pipes!
Yes I had the joys of a leaking pipe from my brand new boiler which resulted in another plumber visit and a need to redecorate the entrance hall! Grrrr! 

3. Hurricane gonzalo
Yep, that's right us lovely british folk took a beating from the back end of hurricane gonzalo and my gosh it was bad! Typically for me it was a day I was travelling by rail resulting in huge delays and getting soaked by hail and rain, not to mention my umbrella literally snapping in half and my paper primark bag disintegrating! The stress! First world problems or what? 

4. Halloween 
Sorry to anyone who loves it but for me it's just no biggie! I don't like scary stuff and I don't have kids so there's really not much in it for me! It seems to be getting pretty over rated these days!  Bah humbug! 

5. iPhone 6. 
I'm a tad behind the times but I seen one in real life for the first time this week and it's freaking huge!! Not cool! 

6. Saving up for Christmas.
I LOVE Christmas and I love buying gifts for people but what I don't love is saving up money for it! No hauls? Booooo.



Thanks so much for reading! Please share and comment! 

Let me know your loves and loathes for October! 

Love Helen xx

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Go For It!

Today's blog post is about Going For It. 

Everyone's dreams and goals are different and the obstacles that stand in the way of them can vary a lot! 
Someone might dream of travelling the world, someone else may dream of becoming a soccer star, someone else a firefighter and someone else a lawyer! The obsicles that stand in our way of achieving these things vary from fear, money, confidence or ability but one thing is for sure! If you don't at least TRY then you'll never get there! 

If you don't try Failure is a guaranteed outcome. 

My advice is to write down every single thing you see as being an obstacle and then you can look at ways through or around them!

For example I'm going to use becoming a Youtube Star. An internet sensation! Pretty hard to do...right?? 


Need confidence and lots of it
Need equipment that I can't afford
Need practice
Need to learn to edit & software to use
Need good unique content to upload
Need subscribers
Need views 
Need to be well promoted

Ok now we've got a list of what stands between me and becoming a top youtube star let's take a look at obstacles that can easily be overcome and how? Then we'll make a list of the ones that can't 

1. Confidence, this can be worked on
2. Equipment, need to earn & save money
3. Practice, need to work hard
4. Editing. Need to spend time self teaching
5. Good content. Spend time researching 
6. Subscribers. Self promotion 
7. Views. Use twitter to promote
8. Need to be well promoted. Further down the line I'll be signed to a network and they'll promote me

Oh! there's nothing! 

This proves that if you break a goal or ambition down into smaller goals and work hard, be patient and never give up that actually you CAN do it! 

A saying that represents this perfectly is:

'You can't eat and elephant' but the truth is you COULD if you cut it down into small enough pieces and ate it over a period of years!  

Monday, 6 October 2014

My Youtube Story So Far

What brought me to youtube? Where am I now and where do I see myself going from here? What do I find most fulfilling and what do I regret? If I could go back and start all over again would I change anything? What advice do I have for other youtubers or people wanting to become a youtuber? 
If any of the above interests you, then read on! This is my Youtube story so far! 

How it all began

In April 2013 i was going through a really rough time, I'd recently had two miscarriages back to back and decided to put starting a family on hold for a while whilst I let both my body and mind heal. I needed something new to focus on and somewhere to channel my energy. 
I'd been watching a lot of youtubers, people like Carrie Hope Fletcher, Eleventh Gorgeous, Dan is not on fire and Alex Day and I decided that I'd give youtubing a go myself. 

Armed with a cheap digital camera and a world of nerves I filmed my first ever video! I had no idea how to edit or put a video together so I watched tutorials on how to do it and I uploaded my first video. A makeup haul. I sat back and waited for the views and subscribers to come in their thousands but they didn't! In fact nobody watched my video at all! I checked back the next day and the day after and the day after, no subscribers, no views, nothing! Oh! 

Finally within a couple of weeks I got a few views, maybe 20 or so, and a couple of subscribers. I uploaded a couple more videos, each one doing slightly better than the last and I was over the moon that I was actually being watched by a handful of people! 

I didn't promote my videos on Twitter or Facebook because I didn't want anyone knowing I was doing youtube, so I kept it a secret. I told my husband and he thought I was mental and couldn't understand why but I just told him it was something that I wanted to do and eventually he warmed to the idea and gave me some constructive criticism. 
He said I wasn't coming across as my bright and bubbly self on camera and I seemed very nervous and wooden, he told me to be more me and people would like me, I wasn't so sure! 

I soon got chatting to a few other youtubers who were watching my videos and I was watching theirs, people like Elouise1984 and Choccykaz, Yvonne and Shell, Blondie Di & Shabana. These girls were truly wonderful and kept me going on youtube as I no longer felt isolated and afraid! They made me feel welcome as part of the youtube community and even helped me with video ideas as well as tagging me to do Tag videos! I love these ladies dearly!

My channel continued to slowly grow and after a few months I reached 100 subscribers! I felt like I'd won the lottery having 100 people subscribed to my very own channel and essentially, as much as I hate to use the word fans, I had 100 fans! 

After putting out more and more videos once to twice a week I started to grow in confidence and really loved my youtubing. It was an escape from life, from work, from anxiety and health troubles. Around this time I also got into watching and chatting to more youtubers and gained some fabulously supportive subscribers such as Taylor, Toni, Jess, Shell, Katrina and finally my now 'American big sister' Kathy!

Kathy found me and subscribed and we soon began chatting, she was from the USA and a total makeup junkie like me, after plenty of beauty chit chat it became apparent we both wanted items from eachothers countries that we couldn't get in our own, so we set about organising a Makeup Swap. We set a budget and a date and sent eachother a box of items we thought the other would like! I was blown away by what Kathy sent to me and I loved everything! She really liked what I sent her too so we decided to make our swaps a regular thing and swap summer and winter every year! Kathy is literally the loveliest person I've ever met. Such a talented beauty guru and honestly like a sister to me. 

After 6 months of youtube I hit 250 subscribers! And about 10,000 views! I was amazed at what I'd achieved and decided to start taking my youtubing a little more seriously and see just how much more I could achieve if I actually tried! 

I decided to let the cat out of the bag and tell people in my real life about my youtube, I started sharing my channel on my Facebook and twitter and whilst of course I took a bit of banter for it, on the whole nobody really bothered too much! Mostly people just didn't understand. The likes of my mum and mother in law were completely perplexed by it, but now they understand and watch my videos! 

I started getting more vlogging opportunities such as reviewing products for companies and brands, vlogging at events and fasions shows, collaborating with stores and reviewing local beauty salons! That's how I met the amazing Suz! She invited me to review her nail salon and we've been close friends ever since! I also got talking to Vinny aka little miss style guru and I adore her! Such a wonderful beauty guru and mother! Her kids are adorable!

After about 7 months I started getting approached by Networks asking me to sign for them and become 'partnered'
But I had absolutely no idea what this meant! After lots of research I realised it meant signing to a Station and becoming on if THEIR vloggers, getting a percentage of earnings from advertising revenue and being promoted and looked after by them. So in short it meant turning my hobby into a business and becoming 'signed'.

I was unsure wether to accept these offers and started searching for advice online, I looked at who my favourite youtubers were signed to and decided that I'd follow their example and go with whoever they were signed to. It turned out this was StyleHaul Network.

I'd put out some fairly big hitting videos that were drumming up 1000+ views and I could see my channel hitting another level! I was thrilled. Maybe one day Stylehaul might notice me after all?

Around this time I put out a video of a beauty box review and little did I know then but it became my biggest and most viewed video ever! It's currently over twenty five THOUSAND views! Considering 95% of youtube videos get less that 100 views, this is a huge achievement!  

I decided I'd refuse every offer of partnership I got until I was offered Stylehaul partnership and I'm honestly so glad I did. It took a couple more months before Stylehaul approached me but it was worth the wait!
I signed to Stylehaul in February 2014 and l was so excited by it I can't even explain! Stylehaul contracts are confidential so I can't discuss the terms of my contract but I'm very happy with it and i do make money very month now! 

After pretty much exactly a year on youtube I hit 1,000 subscribers and that, for me, was a dream come true! I also hit 50,000 views which literally just blew me away!

I'm not going to lie it's not always been easy, there have been tough times where you feel like you're never going to achieve anything, you're never going to be good enough and you're receiving hate! There are people out there who aren't nice, who are two faced and who do use you to try and progress themselves. There are people out there who will stab you in the back, who will dislike all your videos but still watch every single one, who will try to be your best friend when really they dislike you immensely but on the whole id say it's only made me a better and stronger person and after all, your haters are your biggest fans! And I've had far far more good experiences than bad!

Where I am now
In august 2014 I hit a bit of a stalemate with my channel, I was growing bored of just uploading beauty videos and felt that my channel growth and views were slowing down a lot so I decided to have a revamp and change things up a little bit.
I was concerned my channel was coming across as a little bit 'cliche' and boring and I wanted to show who I am and my personality and not just talk about makeup the whole time! 

I took a couple of weeks out and came up with a new format for my channel. The main things I wanted to change were: more conversation with subscribers and a real two way process, more fun and more personality! so after a short trial I decided I'd start daily vlogging. My daily vlogs could include all the beauty stuff I wanted them to, but I wouldn't be tied to beauty in the way I have been previously. I also set up a new series called Try It Tuesday where I take on challenges set by my subscribers and also Subscriber Sundays where I hang out live in webcam with my subscribers and just have a good old chat! I love my new format and feel like my channel is a real community now!

At first when I announced the changed my subscriber numbers dropped by about 20, but after a couple of weeks I gained another 90! So it's just been a transitional process and the change wasn't badly received at all!

I have recently made a whole new group of youtubing friends who have honestly reignited my passion for youtube! These guys are honestly amazing and I know I'm really lucky to have them as my subscribers and friends! One of them even named me as his Youtuber of the month!
I've been youtubing longer than the gang but that's great because I can help them and give them advice! Just like the girls did for me back in the beginning! 

Jack, Matt, Greggers, Stevo, Georgia, Liz, Alisha, Rebecca,Tara, Shelley, Katrina, suz, Liz, Chlo and everyone else who comes to my Sunday hangouts! You guys rock! I can feel a bond developing between myself and these guys and it's incredible! I love that I have all these amazing people in my life solely because of youtube! 

In summary I'd say it's been the best thing I've ever done!

For a girl from St. Helens who makes videos in her guest bedroom using an average camera to be signed to one of the biggest networks on based in Los Angeles, to have nearly 70,000 views and 1274 subscribed fans is pretty incredible and I'm very proud! Would I change anything? No! 

I just cannot wait for the future!! 

Www.youtube.com/beautyandhelen is my channel if you like what you have read please subscribe! You can also tweet me @helen_ann 

Friday, 3 October 2014

Things that make me happy

So many of the simple things in life put a smile on my face, so I thought I'd share them with you!

1. Disney movies: I love losing myself in an enchanted world of fiction where everything turns out to be perfect!

2. Perfume: nothing is more uplifting or confidence boosting than a spritz of your favourite perfume. For me this is Alien by Thierry Mugler.

3. Giggling: even when it's about the most stupid, childish and immature things! Giggling is amazing!

4. The outdoors: yes I'm a girly girl but I love the outdoors and nature and I'm much more a mountain and lake kinda girl than a beach and seaside girl! I always think that the views from a mountain are far more fulfilling than the view of even the most beautiful beaches.

5. Sunsets: Watching a day draw to a close is magical.

6. New clothes: it always helps you feel a million dollars to step out wearing something new! 

7. Music: we all have those songs that make us get goosebumps; that we connect with on a deep level and that just strike a chord with us. I have many but a few of them are: Rule the World by Take That, You Raise Me Up by Westlife, True Colours by Phil Collins, I Swear by All 4 one, Time of Your Life by Greenday, More Than This by One Direction and 8 letters, never forget and back for good all by Take That 

8. Pampering: taking the time out to paint my nails, care for my skin and do my hair all make me feel great!

9. Connecting with people: When you have those long deep conversations where you really just click and connect with someone and you feel like you just 'get' eachother! It's immense! 

10. Cats: I think there's nothing better than a purring cat sat on your lap all content and happy.

11. Banter: having that carefree relationship with people where you can just completely 100% be yourself and it's just accepted that actually, you're a loser!

12: party's: socialising and hanging with my girls!

13. Tea: there isn't much a good old cup of tea can't sort out!

14. Love. Feeling loved. Giving love. It's incredible.

15. New Years: the magical feeling of knowing you get a new start, a new adventure and setting new goals!

16. Achieving the smallest task: like finishing cleaning the house and looking around at it gleaming and knowing you did it! Or getting through a pile of ironing, completing a days work or a video or blog post! 

17. Family: It's quite incredible to think that no matter what you do, some people just love you unconditionally.

18. Payday: knowing you've worked hard to earn that money and getting yourself a little treat! 

19. Candles: sitting down at night with scented candles burning is an absolute must for me, so relaxing. My house is literally full of candles! 

20. A long hot bath! Soaking away a long day is the best feeling in the world! 

Friday, 12 September 2014

Hot & Not List - September

Septembers flying by and here I am again sharing another list of things that I'm loving and loathing lately! 

Please feel free to share your current faves and flops in the comments section below! 

Hot list

Theme parks 
I went to Alton towers this month and had an amazing day. It was so nice to just escape reality for a day and cut loose on all of the roller coasters! I'm planning a trip to Blackpool to the theme park for my birthday next month! 

Smaller Youtubers
I've been watching lots of smaller youtubers lately (not small as in height, small as in subscriber base) and I've really been enjoying getting to know them and interacting with them in a way you can never interact with the bigger youtubers. Special shoutouts to Jack in the Vlogs, The Matt Barkley and Stevo Rowe. Keep up the good work guys! As for the girls I'm loving Lizbertlake and Georgia Harper! Check them out! 

Free music
This week one direction released their new song Fireproof as a free download as a thankyou to their fans! High five guys! Brilliant song too! 

Cookoo the TV show
Ok, so I was skeptical to say the least when I learned that Hollywood A'lister And twilight heart throb Taylor Lautner was going to be in a low budget bbc three comedy, it seemed like a recepie for disaster! Yet after watching a few episodes I have to say I'm really quite a fan! It's really funny and Taylor Lautner is still stupidly hot!  

Daily vlogging / vlogtember
I started my daily vlogging 19 days ago and am really enjoying it, after making a decision to relaunch you youtube channel  I feel like things are going well. My subscribers have climbed significantly and so have my views! I'm over 5,500 views this month now! 
Www.youtube.com/beautyandhelen if you want to check it out. 

Now winter is approaching the shops are full of wooly sweaters and onesies and I love it! I love snugly warm winter clothes and I can't get enough of my new carebears onesie! So cute! 

Goggle box is back and it's as hilarious as ever! Watching other peoples reactions as they watch tv is reality tv at it's best! 

Friends are amazing and my friends are the best! Wether there's need for gossiping or giggling, consoling or advice giving, my girls are the ones to be around! Wednesday nights are girlie nights and on Wednesdays we wear pink! (Mean girls reference)

I am loving younow at the moment! I've so far held two successful and fun filled live hangouts and can't wait to do more! I feel like we're starting to build a little community or group of friends and it's amazing! If you'd like to join us we go on at 8pm on Sunday evenings and I tweet and Facebook the link.

Not list

Youtubers Crossing The Line
In recent months there seems to have been no end in youtubers disgracing themselves or revelations of abuse. Just when you thought you knew someone - bang! You find out you really didn't! 
This week we've have the "Sam pepper butt grabbing" video. The whole internet blew up in outrage at his blatant disregard for women, his video has now been removed but the damage has already been done! His subscribers are unsubscribing in their thousands and other youtubers are disassociating themselves from him. Why he thought he should put a video like that up is beyond me and I think he's an idiot for doing it. Grabbing someone butt constitutes a sexual assault and there's every chance he could be prosecuted for his actions. Now girls are coming forward saying he's been abusive towards them in the past. The floodgates have opened and I'm sure we'll all be watching to see what happens next. The saddest thing for me is that we know he isn't the first and won't be the last, when will these youtubers learn that being a male chauvinist is NOT ok!! 

I'm someone who just likes to go with the flow and keep my life as drama free as possible so when people start creating drama out of nothing it really does annoy me! Attention whores! 

I'm really losing patience with Facebook lately, I feel like it's causing more hassle than it's worth in my life right now and I'm contemplating just getting rid of it. Between people sharing racist status' and people backstabbing I think I'd be better off without it! Then I think it's just a handful if people out of thousands and why should I let them ruin it? Maybe I should just start unfriending? 

Since we had our new boiler and heating system fitted a few weeks ago we've had nothing but problems, from a leak to a damaged wall and now another bloody leak! Incompetence at it's best! 

iPhone Updates 
I'm just bitter because I've got an iPhone 4 so didn't get this new update and I'm jealous *sob* lol jokes. No, in all seriousness I know a lot of people who have had a lot of problems since installing the update and had music / photos wiped and apps not working! Not cool apple! 

And that rounds up another month of loves and loathes! Thanks for reading! 
Please share this and let me know what YOU are loving and loathing this month!

Don't forget you can get a daily dose of me by subscribing to my Youtube Channel www.youtube.com/beautyandhelen 

Shameless self promotion complete! 

See you with another blog soon guys! 


Thursday, 4 September 2014

Daily vlogging pros and cons

Have you ever watched a daily vlogger on youtube and thought: "Wow I'd love to do that" but you have reservations?
As someone who does do it, I thought I'd share my experiences with you, the good and the bad, to help you to make the right decision for you.

The good points

*unlike many other forms of youtube videos, daily vlogging is very personal and your viewers get to know you on a deeper level creating a better bond.

*you are not tied to one topic, you can talk about anything and everything

*you appeal to many different age groups and both genders

*you get a lot of channel views because you are uploading daily

*its great to journal your own life and capture moments on camera to look back on

*its a fantastic way to keep in touch with family and friends who don't live nearby

*you make friends through youtube

*you can be some very successful, even famous, through doing it.

*its a fantastic hobby or pass time 

*its a great way to build your confidence

*its often a jpurney of self discovery

The bad points

*it is very very time consuming, you have to dedicate time to filming and to editing and uploading on a daily basis, this can take half a day sometimes 

*you have to film outside, if you're too embarrassed to walk around with a camera in your face then you may need to work on your confidence a bit first.

*you are putting yourself out there, fully, the good, the bad and the bed head!

*people will criticise you for doing it. Friends and family will think you are wrong, colleagues will tease you about it...

*you have to have things going on in your life, or it becomes hard to find things to talk about or footage to show

*you have to be 100% committed

*you will recieve hate comments

*you might not get as many views or subscribers as you'd hoped and it might feel like a thankless task

So there you have it! Now you can decide if it's something you'd like to do after considering all of the options. For me, I have no regrets, I love youtube and I love vlogging. 

Friday, 29 August 2014

Relaunching My Youtube Channel


If you're one of my regular viewers or subscribers on youtube, you will have noticed I've not been uploading videos recently, I wanted to explain why and tell you some pretty exciting news!

For the last year since it launched my youtube channel has gone from strength to strength and I couldn't ever have wished for the success I've had, I'm utterly shocked that one single video on my channel has racked up nearly 25,000 views in just a few months! I cannot even get my head around that amount of people watching me! It's incredible, however I feel like a lot of my content on my channel has been trial and error, a lot of the videos are beauty, some are vlogs, some are tags, some are collaborations and others are reviews. I was really struggling to find my identity on youtube and identify where I fit in and where my passions lie, finally after a months trial of daily vlogging I've found it! 

I've taken some really good advice from my network Stylehaul and decided to give my channel a complete overhaul in order for for my channel to be a better place for my subscribers. I value you guys hugely and feel that I owe it to you to do this properly and to the best of my ability.

So I've come up with a new plan, same channel, different way of doing things. 

From now on I will be:

*daily vlogging
Uploading every single day. My vlogs will incorporate beauty, lifestyle and my daily life, I've got so many amazing things to share with you already planned! 
So mon, wed, thurs, fri and sat will be ordinary vlogs. Then every Tuesday will be:

*Try it Tuesdays
Every Tuesday I will be trying something new for your entertainment. This could be a food, a place, an activity, an experience, a product, a funny challenge, a makeup look... Literally anything I've never done before. (Keep it clean though!) Send your suggestions!

And every Sunday will be:

*Subscribers Sundays 
Every Sunday I will be hosting a live hangout on google+ via webcam! Everyones invited to join me for a Sunday hangout and chat about anything and everything! Plus I'll be doing giveaways!! I'll be posting links to these on my twitter @helen_ann, Instagram (beautyandhelen) and also my Facebook fan page. 

The reason I decided on Try It Tuesdays was because I want to push myself out of my comfort zone and have a laugh while I'm doing it! 

The reason for Subscriber Sundays is to get to know you guys! I feel like this should be a 2 way relationship and I want to be friends with you all, not just to talk at you down a camera!

So there you have it! 

I'm super excited to relaunch my channel and I hope you guys are excited too. 

I think it's going to be a far, far better way of doing things! 

Any comments or suggestions are welcome!

The relaunch starts on 1st September 2014 and my first video will be a vlog! 

If you've just come across this blog and aren't already a subscriber but like the sound of this, then you can subscribe 


Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Being Yourself

Being yourself should be the easiest thing in the world. After all that's exactly who you are! 

Yet so much of the time, so many of us are afraid to be exactly that.
Society, jobs, the media and even peer pressure all influence the way we present ourselves and we are terrified of being judged, ridiculed or outcast, so instead of being unapologetically ourselves and the fabulous unique indeviduals that we are, we put up a front and in some cases even play a fictional role and be someone else because it's easier. Or at least we perceive it to be easier.

Outwardly this can be the way a person dresses, styles their hair, wears their makeup or holds themselves. 
Inwardly it could be holding back their personality, sense of humour or values, sexuality, dreams or desires.

I have met so many people who, if they just had the confidence to be themselves, could conquer anything and live their dreams, even take over the world and bring about real positive change, but they're too scared to put themselves out there incase they are judged or too scared to chase what they really want because they are afraid to fail. 

It's human nature to want to be accepted and liked, we all strive for that, consciously or not. It's nice to be 'normal' but something people fail to realise is that 'normal' people aren't the ones who change the world, it's the ones who break the mould that do. Maybe if you had the confidence to be you, it would inspire others?

Often we feel that our hands are tied, family, friends, employers or peers simply wouldn't accept us if we revealed the true version of us. Sometimes we are not allowed to be us or we'd lose our jobs! Employers literally banish any uniqueness by insisting on a uniform, banning piercings and tattoos, hairstyles and even tell us we must toughen up our personalities and stop being too 'nice' Hardly helpful! You can't change who you are! They shouldn't expect you to! 

The truth is nobody is normal, not really, because normal doesn't exist. Everyone is different. On the inside we all have different dreams and ideals, different fears and passions. Normal only exists because people conceal these things because they are too afraid if being seen as eccentric. 

How this relates to me:

Last year for the first time in my life I truly found myself. I found the confidence to do what I want to do, to be who I am. I started my youtube channel and put myself out there, flaws and all and you know what? For the first time in my life I found true contentment. I found contentment because I admitted to being who I am:

Yes, I look like complete crap when I've just woke up in a morning, yes I probably spend far too much time dreaming about a life I'll never have, yes I like being centre of attention and yes I am just a little bit chubby. Yes I buy farrrr too much makeup and yes I talk to my cats like they're my children, yes I do have OCD and like washing my hands a lot and yes I do like boybands even though I'm 30. Yes I do work in a supermarket even though I've got good qualifications and yes I dream of being a writer, yes I laugh at stupid things and yes I smoke when I know it's dangerous,Yes, I'm a soft touch, too nice for my own good, yes I've made a million mistakes and yes I am scared of a lot of things.

When I decided to start my youtube channel I braced myself for the hate, what I didn't brace myself for was where it would come from. I expected it to be strangers when in fact it was people closer to me. Family and friends who didn't support me, laughed at me and told me I was a loser but I faught back and I told them I was doing it with or without their blessing because it was what I wanted to do. Eventually people either supported me because they saw it made me happy or I cut them from my life, because if they can't accept me for who I am and what I want then they have no place in my life! 

On the contrast I got letters and cards from strangers all over the world who watched me on youtube and said I inspired them, they liked me and they supported me, so I lost friends but I gained many many more good supportive friends in the process! 

That's the thing you see, anybody who can't accept the real you doesn't deserve to be a part of your life! Maybe your old peer group won't like it, but it won't be long until you find a new group of friends that love the real you! And surely that's better! 

I'd love to hear your thoughts and comments below xx

You can also find me on: 
Twitter @helen_ann
Youtube: www.youtube.com/beautyandhelen
Instagram: beautyandhelen