Thursday, 4 September 2014

Daily vlogging pros and cons

Have you ever watched a daily vlogger on youtube and thought: "Wow I'd love to do that" but you have reservations?
As someone who does do it, I thought I'd share my experiences with you, the good and the bad, to help you to make the right decision for you.

The good points

*unlike many other forms of youtube videos, daily vlogging is very personal and your viewers get to know you on a deeper level creating a better bond.

*you are not tied to one topic, you can talk about anything and everything

*you appeal to many different age groups and both genders

*you get a lot of channel views because you are uploading daily

*its great to journal your own life and capture moments on camera to look back on

*its a fantastic way to keep in touch with family and friends who don't live nearby

*you make friends through youtube

*you can be some very successful, even famous, through doing it.

*its a fantastic hobby or pass time 

*its a great way to build your confidence

*its often a jpurney of self discovery

The bad points

*it is very very time consuming, you have to dedicate time to filming and to editing and uploading on a daily basis, this can take half a day sometimes 

*you have to film outside, if you're too embarrassed to walk around with a camera in your face then you may need to work on your confidence a bit first.

*you are putting yourself out there, fully, the good, the bad and the bed head!

*people will criticise you for doing it. Friends and family will think you are wrong, colleagues will tease you about it...

*you have to have things going on in your life, or it becomes hard to find things to talk about or footage to show

*you have to be 100% committed

*you will recieve hate comments

*you might not get as many views or subscribers as you'd hoped and it might feel like a thankless task

So there you have it! Now you can decide if it's something you'd like to do after considering all of the options. For me, I have no regrets, I love youtube and I love vlogging. 

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