As many of you will already know I took part in Vlogmas on my youtube channel! And it was incredible!
What is Vlogmas?
Vlogmas is an event on youtube where users vlog (video blog) every single day throughout December. So basically you upload a video every single day documenting your life in the run up to Christmas!
I sat and watched in awe last year as pretty much all of my favourite youtubers did vlogmas and this year there was absolutely no question for me, I HAD TO take part!
I started my youtube channel in April 2013 so18 months later I felt I had enough experience to make a decent go at this! On the 1st December, I went for it! The response was wonderful and not only did I get a tonne of support from my ever loyal youtube subscribers and friends like Stevo, Amy & Suz, I also made a lot of new friends who were also doing Vlogmas!
There became a group of us who all watched each others videos and supported eachother through it and I'm really glad I met those guys through Vlogmas! People like Stephen H Vlog Tv, Louise Usher and Sue Pezella who i now consider not just fellow youtubers but friends!
I decided to make my Vlogmas even more special by bringing in a thing I called 'Good Deed December' where I challenged myself to do 1 selfless act or good deed every single day for the entire month! That in itself was a good idea as it gave me something to focus on and talk about on the days where there wasn't so much going on in my life!
As for content, I made a wide variety of videos, from general day in the life vlogs to shopping trips to Christmas decorations, hair and beauty videos and even baking! I adored every single moment of it and it was really nice to make videos in such a wide variety of genres! It brought in lots of new subscribers too!
What I will say though, is that I have a new found respect for regular daily vloggers! I watch people who vlog every single day, 365 days per year, and I have to admit I really admire them because it is SO time consuming and very hard work! Sometimes I was only getting in from work at 11pm, then having to sit and edit and upload a vlog, getting to bed at 3am! sometimes there's nothing to talk about and sometimes you're really busy and find yourself unable to find time to film any footage and at the end of the day you've nothing to upload! Hats off to the daily vlogging community! You guys are hardcore! I barely made it through 25 days!
My final Vlogmas video was of course a vlog of my Christmas Day! My viewers got to come along as I went visiting family and friends and of course ending with me showing all of the gifts I received!
Even more special, I got a clip of my niece and nephew who are aged 4 and 6 as we showed them the 'evidence' that Santa had been! Their reactions were priceless! What an absolute treasure of a video to keep for the future!
Verdict on Vlogmas? It's the best experience I've had on youtube so far!
You can subscribe to my youtube channel here and watch my Vlogmas videos!