Friday, 12 September 2014

Hot & Not List - September

Septembers flying by and here I am again sharing another list of things that I'm loving and loathing lately! 

Please feel free to share your current faves and flops in the comments section below! 

Hot list

Theme parks 
I went to Alton towers this month and had an amazing day. It was so nice to just escape reality for a day and cut loose on all of the roller coasters! I'm planning a trip to Blackpool to the theme park for my birthday next month! 

Smaller Youtubers
I've been watching lots of smaller youtubers lately (not small as in height, small as in subscriber base) and I've really been enjoying getting to know them and interacting with them in a way you can never interact with the bigger youtubers. Special shoutouts to Jack in the Vlogs, The Matt Barkley and Stevo Rowe. Keep up the good work guys! As for the girls I'm loving Lizbertlake and Georgia Harper! Check them out! 

Free music
This week one direction released their new song Fireproof as a free download as a thankyou to their fans! High five guys! Brilliant song too! 

Cookoo the TV show
Ok, so I was skeptical to say the least when I learned that Hollywood A'lister And twilight heart throb Taylor Lautner was going to be in a low budget bbc three comedy, it seemed like a recepie for disaster! Yet after watching a few episodes I have to say I'm really quite a fan! It's really funny and Taylor Lautner is still stupidly hot!  

Daily vlogging / vlogtember
I started my daily vlogging 19 days ago and am really enjoying it, after making a decision to relaunch you youtube channel  I feel like things are going well. My subscribers have climbed significantly and so have my views! I'm over 5,500 views this month now! if you want to check it out. 

Now winter is approaching the shops are full of wooly sweaters and onesies and I love it! I love snugly warm winter clothes and I can't get enough of my new carebears onesie! So cute! 

Goggle box is back and it's as hilarious as ever! Watching other peoples reactions as they watch tv is reality tv at it's best! 

Friends are amazing and my friends are the best! Wether there's need for gossiping or giggling, consoling or advice giving, my girls are the ones to be around! Wednesday nights are girlie nights and on Wednesdays we wear pink! (Mean girls reference)

I am loving younow at the moment! I've so far held two successful and fun filled live hangouts and can't wait to do more! I feel like we're starting to build a little community or group of friends and it's amazing! If you'd like to join us we go on at 8pm on Sunday evenings and I tweet and Facebook the link.

Not list

Youtubers Crossing The Line
In recent months there seems to have been no end in youtubers disgracing themselves or revelations of abuse. Just when you thought you knew someone - bang! You find out you really didn't! 
This week we've have the "Sam pepper butt grabbing" video. The whole internet blew up in outrage at his blatant disregard for women, his video has now been removed but the damage has already been done! His subscribers are unsubscribing in their thousands and other youtubers are disassociating themselves from him. Why he thought he should put a video like that up is beyond me and I think he's an idiot for doing it. Grabbing someone butt constitutes a sexual assault and there's every chance he could be prosecuted for his actions. Now girls are coming forward saying he's been abusive towards them in the past. The floodgates have opened and I'm sure we'll all be watching to see what happens next. The saddest thing for me is that we know he isn't the first and won't be the last, when will these youtubers learn that being a male chauvinist is NOT ok!! 

I'm someone who just likes to go with the flow and keep my life as drama free as possible so when people start creating drama out of nothing it really does annoy me! Attention whores! 

I'm really losing patience with Facebook lately, I feel like it's causing more hassle than it's worth in my life right now and I'm contemplating just getting rid of it. Between people sharing racist status' and people backstabbing I think I'd be better off without it! Then I think it's just a handful if people out of thousands and why should I let them ruin it? Maybe I should just start unfriending? 

Since we had our new boiler and heating system fitted a few weeks ago we've had nothing but problems, from a leak to a damaged wall and now another bloody leak! Incompetence at it's best! 

iPhone Updates 
I'm just bitter because I've got an iPhone 4 so didn't get this new update and I'm jealous *sob* lol jokes. No, in all seriousness I know a lot of people who have had a lot of problems since installing the update and had music / photos wiped and apps not working! Not cool apple! 

And that rounds up another month of loves and loathes! Thanks for reading! 
Please share this and let me know what YOU are loving and loathing this month!

Don't forget you can get a daily dose of me by subscribing to my Youtube Channel 

Shameless self promotion complete! 

See you with another blog soon guys! 


Thursday, 4 September 2014

Daily vlogging pros and cons

Have you ever watched a daily vlogger on youtube and thought: "Wow I'd love to do that" but you have reservations?
As someone who does do it, I thought I'd share my experiences with you, the good and the bad, to help you to make the right decision for you.

The good points

*unlike many other forms of youtube videos, daily vlogging is very personal and your viewers get to know you on a deeper level creating a better bond.

*you are not tied to one topic, you can talk about anything and everything

*you appeal to many different age groups and both genders

*you get a lot of channel views because you are uploading daily

*its great to journal your own life and capture moments on camera to look back on

*its a fantastic way to keep in touch with family and friends who don't live nearby

*you make friends through youtube

*you can be some very successful, even famous, through doing it.

*its a fantastic hobby or pass time 

*its a great way to build your confidence

*its often a jpurney of self discovery

The bad points

*it is very very time consuming, you have to dedicate time to filming and to editing and uploading on a daily basis, this can take half a day sometimes 

*you have to film outside, if you're too embarrassed to walk around with a camera in your face then you may need to work on your confidence a bit first.

*you are putting yourself out there, fully, the good, the bad and the bed head!

*people will criticise you for doing it. Friends and family will think you are wrong, colleagues will tease you about it...

*you have to have things going on in your life, or it becomes hard to find things to talk about or footage to show

*you have to be 100% committed

*you will recieve hate comments

*you might not get as many views or subscribers as you'd hoped and it might feel like a thankless task

So there you have it! Now you can decide if it's something you'd like to do after considering all of the options. For me, I have no regrets, I love youtube and I love vlogging.