Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Go For It!

Today's blog post is about Going For It. 

Everyone's dreams and goals are different and the obstacles that stand in the way of them can vary a lot! 
Someone might dream of travelling the world, someone else may dream of becoming a soccer star, someone else a firefighter and someone else a lawyer! The obsicles that stand in our way of achieving these things vary from fear, money, confidence or ability but one thing is for sure! If you don't at least TRY then you'll never get there! 

If you don't try Failure is a guaranteed outcome. 

My advice is to write down every single thing you see as being an obstacle and then you can look at ways through or around them!

For example I'm going to use becoming a Youtube Star. An internet sensation! Pretty hard to do...right?? 


Need confidence and lots of it
Need equipment that I can't afford
Need practice
Need to learn to edit & software to use
Need good unique content to upload
Need subscribers
Need views 
Need to be well promoted

Ok now we've got a list of what stands between me and becoming a top youtube star let's take a look at obstacles that can easily be overcome and how? Then we'll make a list of the ones that can't 

1. Confidence, this can be worked on
2. Equipment, need to earn & save money
3. Practice, need to work hard
4. Editing. Need to spend time self teaching
5. Good content. Spend time researching 
6. Subscribers. Self promotion 
7. Views. Use twitter to promote
8. Need to be well promoted. Further down the line I'll be signed to a network and they'll promote me

Oh! there's nothing! 

This proves that if you break a goal or ambition down into smaller goals and work hard, be patient and never give up that actually you CAN do it! 

A saying that represents this perfectly is:

'You can't eat and elephant' but the truth is you COULD if you cut it down into small enough pieces and ate it over a period of years!  

Monday, 6 October 2014

My Youtube Story So Far

What brought me to youtube? Where am I now and where do I see myself going from here? What do I find most fulfilling and what do I regret? If I could go back and start all over again would I change anything? What advice do I have for other youtubers or people wanting to become a youtuber? 
If any of the above interests you, then read on! This is my Youtube story so far! 

How it all began

In April 2013 i was going through a really rough time, I'd recently had two miscarriages back to back and decided to put starting a family on hold for a while whilst I let both my body and mind heal. I needed something new to focus on and somewhere to channel my energy. 
I'd been watching a lot of youtubers, people like Carrie Hope Fletcher, Eleventh Gorgeous, Dan is not on fire and Alex Day and I decided that I'd give youtubing a go myself. 

Armed with a cheap digital camera and a world of nerves I filmed my first ever video! I had no idea how to edit or put a video together so I watched tutorials on how to do it and I uploaded my first video. A makeup haul. I sat back and waited for the views and subscribers to come in their thousands but they didn't! In fact nobody watched my video at all! I checked back the next day and the day after and the day after, no subscribers, no views, nothing! Oh! 

Finally within a couple of weeks I got a few views, maybe 20 or so, and a couple of subscribers. I uploaded a couple more videos, each one doing slightly better than the last and I was over the moon that I was actually being watched by a handful of people! 

I didn't promote my videos on Twitter or Facebook because I didn't want anyone knowing I was doing youtube, so I kept it a secret. I told my husband and he thought I was mental and couldn't understand why but I just told him it was something that I wanted to do and eventually he warmed to the idea and gave me some constructive criticism. 
He said I wasn't coming across as my bright and bubbly self on camera and I seemed very nervous and wooden, he told me to be more me and people would like me, I wasn't so sure! 

I soon got chatting to a few other youtubers who were watching my videos and I was watching theirs, people like Elouise1984 and Choccykaz, Yvonne and Shell, Blondie Di & Shabana. These girls were truly wonderful and kept me going on youtube as I no longer felt isolated and afraid! They made me feel welcome as part of the youtube community and even helped me with video ideas as well as tagging me to do Tag videos! I love these ladies dearly!

My channel continued to slowly grow and after a few months I reached 100 subscribers! I felt like I'd won the lottery having 100 people subscribed to my very own channel and essentially, as much as I hate to use the word fans, I had 100 fans! 

After putting out more and more videos once to twice a week I started to grow in confidence and really loved my youtubing. It was an escape from life, from work, from anxiety and health troubles. Around this time I also got into watching and chatting to more youtubers and gained some fabulously supportive subscribers such as Taylor, Toni, Jess, Shell, Katrina and finally my now 'American big sister' Kathy!

Kathy found me and subscribed and we soon began chatting, she was from the USA and a total makeup junkie like me, after plenty of beauty chit chat it became apparent we both wanted items from eachothers countries that we couldn't get in our own, so we set about organising a Makeup Swap. We set a budget and a date and sent eachother a box of items we thought the other would like! I was blown away by what Kathy sent to me and I loved everything! She really liked what I sent her too so we decided to make our swaps a regular thing and swap summer and winter every year! Kathy is literally the loveliest person I've ever met. Such a talented beauty guru and honestly like a sister to me. 

After 6 months of youtube I hit 250 subscribers! And about 10,000 views! I was amazed at what I'd achieved and decided to start taking my youtubing a little more seriously and see just how much more I could achieve if I actually tried! 

I decided to let the cat out of the bag and tell people in my real life about my youtube, I started sharing my channel on my Facebook and twitter and whilst of course I took a bit of banter for it, on the whole nobody really bothered too much! Mostly people just didn't understand. The likes of my mum and mother in law were completely perplexed by it, but now they understand and watch my videos! 

I started getting more vlogging opportunities such as reviewing products for companies and brands, vlogging at events and fasions shows, collaborating with stores and reviewing local beauty salons! That's how I met the amazing Suz! She invited me to review her nail salon and we've been close friends ever since! I also got talking to Vinny aka little miss style guru and I adore her! Such a wonderful beauty guru and mother! Her kids are adorable!

After about 7 months I started getting approached by Networks asking me to sign for them and become 'partnered'
But I had absolutely no idea what this meant! After lots of research I realised it meant signing to a Station and becoming on if THEIR vloggers, getting a percentage of earnings from advertising revenue and being promoted and looked after by them. So in short it meant turning my hobby into a business and becoming 'signed'.

I was unsure wether to accept these offers and started searching for advice online, I looked at who my favourite youtubers were signed to and decided that I'd follow their example and go with whoever they were signed to. It turned out this was StyleHaul Network.

I'd put out some fairly big hitting videos that were drumming up 1000+ views and I could see my channel hitting another level! I was thrilled. Maybe one day Stylehaul might notice me after all?

Around this time I put out a video of a beauty box review and little did I know then but it became my biggest and most viewed video ever! It's currently over twenty five THOUSAND views! Considering 95% of youtube videos get less that 100 views, this is a huge achievement!  

I decided I'd refuse every offer of partnership I got until I was offered Stylehaul partnership and I'm honestly so glad I did. It took a couple more months before Stylehaul approached me but it was worth the wait!
I signed to Stylehaul in February 2014 and l was so excited by it I can't even explain! Stylehaul contracts are confidential so I can't discuss the terms of my contract but I'm very happy with it and i do make money very month now! 

After pretty much exactly a year on youtube I hit 1,000 subscribers and that, for me, was a dream come true! I also hit 50,000 views which literally just blew me away!

I'm not going to lie it's not always been easy, there have been tough times where you feel like you're never going to achieve anything, you're never going to be good enough and you're receiving hate! There are people out there who aren't nice, who are two faced and who do use you to try and progress themselves. There are people out there who will stab you in the back, who will dislike all your videos but still watch every single one, who will try to be your best friend when really they dislike you immensely but on the whole id say it's only made me a better and stronger person and after all, your haters are your biggest fans! And I've had far far more good experiences than bad!

Where I am now
In august 2014 I hit a bit of a stalemate with my channel, I was growing bored of just uploading beauty videos and felt that my channel growth and views were slowing down a lot so I decided to have a revamp and change things up a little bit.
I was concerned my channel was coming across as a little bit 'cliche' and boring and I wanted to show who I am and my personality and not just talk about makeup the whole time! 

I took a couple of weeks out and came up with a new format for my channel. The main things I wanted to change were: more conversation with subscribers and a real two way process, more fun and more personality! so after a short trial I decided I'd start daily vlogging. My daily vlogs could include all the beauty stuff I wanted them to, but I wouldn't be tied to beauty in the way I have been previously. I also set up a new series called Try It Tuesday where I take on challenges set by my subscribers and also Subscriber Sundays where I hang out live in webcam with my subscribers and just have a good old chat! I love my new format and feel like my channel is a real community now!

At first when I announced the changed my subscriber numbers dropped by about 20, but after a couple of weeks I gained another 90! So it's just been a transitional process and the change wasn't badly received at all!

I have recently made a whole new group of youtubing friends who have honestly reignited my passion for youtube! These guys are honestly amazing and I know I'm really lucky to have them as my subscribers and friends! One of them even named me as his Youtuber of the month!
I've been youtubing longer than the gang but that's great because I can help them and give them advice! Just like the girls did for me back in the beginning! 

Jack, Matt, Greggers, Stevo, Georgia, Liz, Alisha, Rebecca,Tara, Shelley, Katrina, suz, Liz, Chlo and everyone else who comes to my Sunday hangouts! You guys rock! I can feel a bond developing between myself and these guys and it's incredible! I love that I have all these amazing people in my life solely because of youtube! 

In summary I'd say it's been the best thing I've ever done!

For a girl from St. Helens who makes videos in her guest bedroom using an average camera to be signed to one of the biggest networks on based in Los Angeles, to have nearly 70,000 views and 1274 subscribed fans is pretty incredible and I'm very proud! Would I change anything? No! 

I just cannot wait for the future!! is my channel if you like what you have read please subscribe! You can also tweet me @helen_ann 

Friday, 3 October 2014

Things that make me happy

So many of the simple things in life put a smile on my face, so I thought I'd share them with you!

1. Disney movies: I love losing myself in an enchanted world of fiction where everything turns out to be perfect!

2. Perfume: nothing is more uplifting or confidence boosting than a spritz of your favourite perfume. For me this is Alien by Thierry Mugler.

3. Giggling: even when it's about the most stupid, childish and immature things! Giggling is amazing!

4. The outdoors: yes I'm a girly girl but I love the outdoors and nature and I'm much more a mountain and lake kinda girl than a beach and seaside girl! I always think that the views from a mountain are far more fulfilling than the view of even the most beautiful beaches.

5. Sunsets: Watching a day draw to a close is magical.

6. New clothes: it always helps you feel a million dollars to step out wearing something new! 

7. Music: we all have those songs that make us get goosebumps; that we connect with on a deep level and that just strike a chord with us. I have many but a few of them are: Rule the World by Take That, You Raise Me Up by Westlife, True Colours by Phil Collins, I Swear by All 4 one, Time of Your Life by Greenday, More Than This by One Direction and 8 letters, never forget and back for good all by Take That 

8. Pampering: taking the time out to paint my nails, care for my skin and do my hair all make me feel great!

9. Connecting with people: When you have those long deep conversations where you really just click and connect with someone and you feel like you just 'get' eachother! It's immense! 

10. Cats: I think there's nothing better than a purring cat sat on your lap all content and happy.

11. Banter: having that carefree relationship with people where you can just completely 100% be yourself and it's just accepted that actually, you're a loser!

12: party's: socialising and hanging with my girls!

13. Tea: there isn't much a good old cup of tea can't sort out!

14. Love. Feeling loved. Giving love. It's incredible.

15. New Years: the magical feeling of knowing you get a new start, a new adventure and setting new goals!

16. Achieving the smallest task: like finishing cleaning the house and looking around at it gleaming and knowing you did it! Or getting through a pile of ironing, completing a days work or a video or blog post! 

17. Family: It's quite incredible to think that no matter what you do, some people just love you unconditionally.

18. Payday: knowing you've worked hard to earn that money and getting yourself a little treat! 

19. Candles: sitting down at night with scented candles burning is an absolute must for me, so relaxing. My house is literally full of candles! 

20. A long hot bath! Soaking away a long day is the best feeling in the world!